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Otros aspectos de la práctica clínica
Klein JD, Postle K, Kreipe RE, Smith SM, McIntosh S, Spada J, et al. Do physicians discuss needed diet and nutrition health topics with adolescents? J Adolesc Health. 2006;38:608.e1-6.
Lam JC, Claydon J, Mitton CR, Skarsgard ED. A risk-adjusted study of outcome and resource utilization for congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41:883-7.
Schmidt B, Roberts RS, Fanaroff A, Davis P, Kirpalani H, Nwaesei C, et al.Indomethacin prophylaxis, patent ductus arteriosus, and the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: further analyses from the trial of indomethacin prophylaxis in preterms (TIPP) . J Pediatr. 2006;148:730-4.
Storch EA, Heidgerken AD, Geffken GR, Lewin AB, Ohleyer V, Freddo M, et al. Bullying, regimen self-management, and metabolic control in youth with type i diabetes. J Pediatr. 2006;148:784-7.
Rab YI, Yee W, Chen SY, Singhal N. Oxygen saturation trends immediately after birth. J Pediatr. 2006;148:590-4.
Carroll W D, Lenney W, Child F, Strange RC, Jones PW, Whyte MK, et al. Asthma severity and atopy: how clear is the relationship? Arch Dis Child. 2006;91:405-9.
Torres Borrego J Gómez Guzmán E. Seguridad de la vacunación triple vírica en pacientes con alergia al huevo. An Pediatr (Barc). 2006;64:464-7.
Osorio K, Venegas G, Cosoi E, Bercovich M. Características clínicas de lactantes con eventos agudos amenazantes de la vida. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2006:77;147-52.
Al-Jazaeri A, Yazbeck S, Filiatrault D, Beaudin M, Emran M, Bütter A. Utility of hospital admission after successful enema reduction of ileocolic intussusception. J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41:1010-3.
Maggiolo J, Rubilar L, González R, Girardi G, Vildósola C, Mendoza C. Aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica en niños con enfermedad pulmonar crónica y fibrosis quística. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2006;4:161-8.
Iñiguez R, Platzer L, Vega-Briceño LE, Iñiguez R, Holmgren N. Quiste laríngeo congénito: Una rara causa de estridor en niños. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2006;77;177-81.
Vernacchio L, Vezina RM, Mitchell AA. Knowledge and practices relating to the 2004 acute otitis media clinical practice guideline: a survey of practicing physicians. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006;25:385-9.