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Referencia bibliográfica |
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Tratamiento |
Dvorakova V, O'Regan GM, Irvine AD. Methotrexate for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: clinical experience in a tertiary center. Pediatr Dermatol. 2017;34:528-534. |
66 |
Boutelle KN, Rhee KE, Liang J, Braden A, Douglas J, Strong D, et al. Effect of Attendance of the Child on Body Weight, Energy Intake, and Physical Activity in Childhood Obesity Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171:622-628. |
62 | |
Peled O, Berkovitch M, Rom E, Bilavsky E, Bernfeld Y, Dorfman L, et al. Valganciclovir Dosing for Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis in Pediatric Solid-organ Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Pharmacokinetic Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:745-750. |
65 | |
Doyle LW, Carse E, Adams AM, Ranganathan S, Opie G, Cheong JLY; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group. Ventilation in Extremely Preterm Infants and Respiratory Function at 8 Years. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:329-337. |
69 | |
Jackson ML, Chung JR, Jackson LA, Phillips CH, Benoit J, Monto AS, et al. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in the United States during the 2015-2016 Season. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:534-43. |
70 | |
Blank ML, Parkin L. National Study of Off-label Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Among New Zealand Infants in the First Year of Life (2005-2012). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:179-184. |
70 | |
Zar-Kessler CAM, Belkind-Gerson J, Bender S, Kuo BM. Treatment of Functional Abdominal Pain With Antidepressants: Benefits, Adverse Effects, and the Gastroenterologist's Role. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:16-21. |
68 | |
Bachur RG, Lipsett SC, Monuteaux MC. Outcomes of Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170048. |
68 | |
Pastor-Villaescusa B, Cañete MD, Caballero-Villarraso J, Hoyos R, Latorre M, Vázquez-Cobela R, et al. Metformin for Obesity in Prepubertal and Pubertal Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20164285. |
65 | |
Laursen RP, Larnkjær A, Ritz C, Hauger H, Michaelsen KF, Mølgaard C. Probiotics and Child Care Absence Due to Infections: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170735. |
67 | |
Etiología |
Ortiz-Romero MDM, Espejo-García MP, Alfayate-Miguelez S, Ruiz-López FJ, Zapata-Hernandez D, Gonzalez-Pacanowska AJ; Collaborators of Study Group of Infectious Diseases in the Child in Cartagena. Epidemiology of Nasopharyngeal Carriage by Haemophilus influenzae in Healthy Children: A Study in the Mediterranean Coast Region. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:919-923. |
59 |
Peres KG, Nascimento GG, Peres MA, Mittinty MN, Demarco FF, Santos IS, et al. Impact of Prolonged Breastfeeding on Dental Caries: A Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20162943. |
64 | |
Mitchell C, McLanahan S, Schneper L, Garfinkel I, Brooks-Gunn J, Notterman D. Father Loss and Child Telomere Length. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20163245. |
71 | |
Rudnicka AR, Nightingale CM, Donin AS, Sattar N, Cook DG, Whincup PH, et al. Sleep Duration and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170338. |
69 | |
de Oliveira WK, de França GVA, Carmo EH, Duncan BB, de Souza Kuchenbecker R, Schmidt MI. Infection-related microcephaly after the 2015 and 2016 Zika virus outbreaks in Brazil: a surveillance-based analysis. Lancet. 2017;390:861-870. |
69 | |
Otras áreas |
Størdal K, Lundeby KM, Brantsæter AL, Haugen M, Nakstad B, Lund-Blix NA, et al. Breast-feeding and Infant Hospitalization for Infections: Large Cohort and Sibling Analysis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:225-231. |
74 |
Zafack JG, De Serres G, Kiely M, Gariépy MC, Rouleau I, Top KA; Canadian Immunization Research Network . Risk of Recurrence of Adverse Events Following Immunization: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20163707. |
66 | |
Matsuyama M, Bell K, White M, Lawson K, David M, Doolan A, et al. Nutritional Assessment and Status of Hospitalized Infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:338-342. |
60 | |
Pronóstico |
González-Llorente N, Del Olmo-Benito I, Muñoz-Ollero N, Descalzo MA, García-Doval I, Torrelo A. Study of cognitive function in children treated with propranolol for Infantile hemangioma. Pediatr Dermatol. 2017;34:554-558. |
67 |
Grigoriadis S, Wilton AS, Kurdyak PA, Rhodes AE, VonderPorten EH, Levitt A, et al. Perinatal suicide in Ontario, Canada: a 15-year population-based study. CMAJ. 2017;189:e1085-92. |
75 | |
Voysey M, Kelly DF, Fanshawe TR, Sadarangani M, O'Brien KL, Perera R, et al. The Influence of Maternally Derived Antibody and Infant Age at Vaccination on Infant Vaccine Responses : An Individual Participant Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171:637-646. |
70 | |
Bugianesi E, Bizzarri C, Rosso C, Mosca A, Panera N, Veraldi S, et al. Low birthweight increases the likelihood of severe steatosis in pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Am J Gastroenterol.2017;112:1277-86. |
56 | |
Cardemil CV, Dahl RM, James L, Wannemuehler K, Gary HE, Shah M, et al. Effectiveness of a Third Dose of MMR Vaccine for Mumps Outbreak Control. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:947-56. |
71 | |
Jallow S, Madhi SA, Madimabe R, Sipambo N, Violari A, Kala U, et al. Immunogenicity of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among children with underlying medical conditions. Vaccine. 2017;35(34):4321-4329 |
65 | |
Diagnóstico |
Rossi M, El-Khechen D, Black MH, Farwell Hagman KD, Tang S, Powis Z. Outcomes of Diagnostic Exome Sequencing in Patients With Diagnosed or Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders 2017;70:34-43.e2 |
72 |
Fujii T, Oka A, Morioka I, Moriuchi H, Koyano S, Yamada H, et al; Japanese Congenital Cytomegalovirus Study Group. Newborn Congenital Cytomegalovirus Screening Based on Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation of DNA-based Assays for In Vitro Diagnostics. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:942-946. |
65 | |
Saps M, Mintjens S, Pusatcioglu CK, Cohen DM, Sternberg P. Clinical Presentation of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children With Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:165-167. |
64 | |
Irwin AD, Grant A, Williams R, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Drew RJ, Paulus S, et al. Predicting Risk of Serious Bacterial Infections in Febrile Children in the Emergency Department. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20162853. |
58 | |
Neuman MI, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Gerber JS, et al; Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network. Utility of Blood Culture Among Children Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20171013. |
65 |
Clinical Area |
Bibliographic |
Rating |
Therapy |
Dvorakova V, O'Regan GM, Irvine AD. Methotrexate for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: clinical experience in a tertiary center. Pediatr Dermatol. 2017;34:528-534. |
66 |
Boutelle KN, Rhee KE, Liang J, Braden A, Douglas J, Strong D, et al. Effect of Attendance of the Child on Body Weight, Energy Intake, and Physical Activity in Childhood Obesity Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171:622-628. |
62 | |
Peled O, Berkovitch M, Rom E, Bilavsky E, Bernfeld Y, Dorfman L, et al. Valganciclovir Dosing for Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis in Pediatric Solid-organ Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Pharmacokinetic Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:745-750. |
65 | |
Doyle LW, Carse E, Adams AM, Ranganathan S, Opie G, Cheong JLY; Victorian Infant Collaborative Study Group. Ventilation in Extremely Preterm Infants and Respiratory Function at 8 Years. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:329-337. |
69 | |
Jackson ML, Chung JR, Jackson LA, Phillips CH, Benoit J, Monto AS, et al. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in the United States during the 2015-2016 Season. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:534-43. |
70 | |
Blank ML, Parkin L. National Study of Off-label Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Among New Zealand Infants in the First Year of Life (2005-2012). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:179-184. |
70 | |
Zar-Kessler CAM, Belkind-Gerson J, Bender S, Kuo BM. Treatment of Functional Abdominal Pain With Antidepressants: Benefits, Adverse Effects, and the Gastroenterologist's Role. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:16-21. |
68 | |
Bachur RG, Lipsett SC, Monuteaux MC. Outcomes of Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170048. |
68 | |
Pastor-Villaescusa B, Cañete MD, Caballero-Villarraso J, Hoyos R, Latorre M, Vázquez-Cobela R, et al. Metformin for Obesity in Prepubertal and Pubertal Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20164285. |
65 | |
Laursen RP, Larnkjær A, Ritz C, Hauger H, Michaelsen KF, Mølgaard C. Probiotics and Child Care Absence Due to Infections: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170735. |
67 | |
Etiology |
Ortiz-Romero MDM, Espejo-García MP, Alfayate-Miguelez S, Ruiz-López FJ, Zapata-Hernandez D, Gonzalez-Pacanowska AJ; Collaborators of Study Group of Infectious Diseases in the Child in Cartagena. Epidemiology of Nasopharyngeal Carriage by Haemophilus influenzae in Healthy Children: A Study in the Mediterranean Coast Region. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:919-923. |
59 |
Peres KG, Nascimento GG, Peres MA, Mittinty MN, Demarco FF, Santos IS, et al. Impact of Prolonged Breastfeeding on Dental Caries: A Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20162943. |
64 | |
Mitchell C, McLanahan S, Schneper L, Garfinkel I, Brooks-Gunn J, Notterman D. Father Loss and Child Telomere Length. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20163245. |
71 | |
Rudnicka AR, Nightingale CM, Donin AS, Sattar N, Cook DG, Whincup PH, et al. Sleep Duration and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20170338. |
69 | |
de Oliveira WK, de França GVA, Carmo EH, Duncan BB, de Souza Kuchenbecker R, Schmidt MI. Infection-related microcephaly after the 2015 and 2016 Zika virus outbreaks in Brazil: a surveillance-based analysis. Lancet. 2017;390:861-870. |
69 | |
Other areas |
Størdal K, Lundeby KM, Brantsæter AL, Haugen M, Nakstad B, Lund-Blix NA, et al. Breast-feeding and Infant Hospitalization for Infections: Large Cohort and Sibling Analysis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:225-231. |
74 |
Zafack JG, De Serres G, Kiely M, Gariépy MC, Rouleau I, Top KA; Canadian Immunization Research Network . Risk of Recurrence of Adverse Events Following Immunization: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20163707. |
66 | |
Matsuyama M, Bell K, White M, Lawson K, David M, Doolan A, et al. Nutritional Assessment and Status of Hospitalized Infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:338-342. |
60 | |
Prognosis |
González-Llorente N, Del Olmo-Benito I, Muñoz-Ollero N, Descalzo MA, García-Doval I, Torrelo A. Study of cognitive function in children treated with propranolol for Infantile hemangioma. Pediatr Dermatol. 2017;34:554-558. |
67 |
Grigoriadis S, Wilton AS, Kurdyak PA, Rhodes AE, VonderPorten EH, et al. Perinatal suicide in Ontario, Canada: a 15-year population-based study. CMAJ. 2017;189:e1085-92. |
75 | |
Voysey M, Kelly DF, Fanshawe TR, Sadarangani M, O'Brien KL, Perera R, et al. The Influence of Maternally Derived Antibody and Infant Age at Vaccination on Infant Vaccine Responses : An Individual Participant Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171:637-646. |
70 | |
Bugianesi E, Bizzarri C, Rosso C, Mosca A, Panera N, Veraldi S, et al. Low birthweight increases the likelihood of severe steatosis in pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Am J Gastroenterol.2017;112:1277-86. |
56 | |
Cardemil CV, Dahl RM, James L, Wannemuehler K, Gary HE, Shah M, et al. Effectiveness of a Third Dose of MMR Vaccine for Mumps Outbreak Control. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:947-56. |
71 | |
Jallow S, Madhi SA, Madimabe R, Sipambo N, Violari A, Kala U, et al. Immunogenicity of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among children with underlying medical conditions. Vaccine. 2017;35(34):4321-4329 |
65 | |
Diagnosis |
Rossi M, El-Khechen D, Black MH, Farwell Hagman KD, Tang S, Powis Z. Outcomes of Diagnostic Exome Sequencing in Patients With Diagnosed or Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders 2017;70:34-43.e2 |
72 |
Fujii T, Oka A, Morioka I, Moriuchi H, Koyano S, Yamada H, et al; Japanese Congenital Cytomegalovirus Study Group. Newborn Congenital Cytomegalovirus Screening Based on Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation of DNA-based Assays for In Vitro Diagnostics. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36:942-946. |
65 | |
Saps M, Mintjens S, Pusatcioglu CK, Cohen DM, Sternberg P. Clinical Presentation of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children With Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65:165-167. |
64 | |
Irwin AD, Grant A, Williams R, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Drew RJ, Paulus S, et al. Predicting Risk of Serious Bacterial Infections in Febrile Children in the Emergency Department. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20162853. |
58 | |
Neuman MI, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Gerber JS, et al; Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network. Utility of Blood Culture Among Children Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2017;140:e20171013. |
65 |
Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatría Basada en la Evidencia. Otros artículos seleccionados y no valorados críticamente. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:65.
Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatría Basada en la Evidencia. Other articles selected but not critically appraised. Evid Pediatr. 2017;13:65.
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