Marzo 2020. Volumen 16. Número 1

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Dbaibo G, Amanullah A, Claeys C, Izu A, Jain VK, Kosalaraksa P, et al. Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Prevents Illness and Reduces Healthcare Utilization Across Diverse Geographic Regions During Five Influenza Seasons: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Jan;39(1):e1-e10.


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Arseneau E, Landry S, Darling EK. The Polyamorous Childbearing and Birth Experiences Study (POLYBABES): a qualitative study of the health care experiences of polyamorous families during pregnancy and birth. CMAJ. 2019 Oct 15;191(41):E1120-E1127.


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Racinet C, Ouellet P, Muraskas J, Daboval T. Neonatal cord blood eucapnic pH: A potential biomarker predicting the need for transfer to the NICU. Arch Pediatr. 2020 Jan;27(1):6-11.


Jalink MB, Langley JM, Dodds L, Andreou P. Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Preterm Infants and Later Onset of Asthma. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019 Nov;38(11):1121-25.



Ramasubbu RA. Is Radiography Necessary for Pediatric Emergency Department Clinicians to Safely Manage Ankle Injuries? Pediatr Emerg Care. 2019 Dec;35(12):826-30.


Lalani K, Yildirim I, Phadke VK, Bednarczyk RA, Omer SB. Assessment and Validation of Syndromic Case Definitions for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Young Infants: A Latent Class Analysis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019 Dec;38(12):1177-1182.


Monteiro SA, Dempsey J, Berry LN, Voigt RG, Goin-Kochel RP. Screening and Referral Practices for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Primary Pediatric Care. Pediatrics. 2019;144. pii: e20183326.


Sokol R, Austin A, Chandler C, Byrum E, Bousquette J, Lancaster C, et al. Screening Children for Social Determinants of Health: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2019 Oct;144(4). 


Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatría Basada en la Evidencia. Otros artículos seleccionados y no valorados críticamente. Evid Pediatr. 2020;16:13.